Articles Book Chapters Reports/Position Papers/Working Papers
Proceedings (with pdf) Lecture Notes
1Nations ranking in scientific competition: Countries get what they paid for, Courtioux, Pierre and Métivier, François and Rebérioux, Antoine Economic Modelling,Elsevier,116,105976,2022,[pdf]
2Coupling threshold theory and satellite-derived channel width to estimate the formative discharge of Himalayan foreland rivers, Gaurav K. and Métivier F. and Sreejith A.V. and Sinha R. and Kumar A. and Tandon S.K. Earth SUrface Dynamics,None,9,47-70,2021,[pdf]
3L'hétérogénéité des stratégies d'entreprises en matière de crédit impôt recherche, P. Courtioux, E. Deglaire, F. Métivier, and A. Rebérioux Revue de l'OFCE, ,175 (5),1-28,2021,
4Growth and shape of a laboratory alluvial fan, Pauline Delorme, O. Devauchelle, L. Barrier, F. Métivier Physical Review E,American Physical Society,98,2900,2018,[pdf]
5Uniform grain-size distribution in the active layer of a shallow, gravel-bedded, braided river (the Urumqi River, China) and implications for paleo-hydrology, Guerit, L. and Barrier, L. and Liu, Y. and Narteau, C. and Lajeunesse, E. and Gayer, E. and Métivier, F. Earth Surface Dynamics,None,6,1011--1021,2018,[pdf]
6Laboratory rivers: Lacey's law, threshold theory, and channel stability, François Métivier, Eric Lajeunesse, Olivier Devauchelle, Earth Surface Dynamics,None,5,187 - 198,2017,[pdf]
7Self-similar growth of a bimodal laboratory fan, Pauline Delorme, Vaughan Voller, Chris Paola, Olivier Devauchelle, Éric Lajeunesse, Laurie Barrier, François Métivier, Earth Surface Dynamics,5,239 - 252,2017,[pdf]
8A single width-discharge regime relationship for individual threads of braided and meandering rivers from the Himalayan Foreland, Gaurav, Kumar and Tandon, S K and Devauchelle, Olivier and Sinha, Rajiv K and Métivier, François Geomorphology,None,295,126-133,2017,[pdf]
9The gravitas of gravitational isotope fractionation revealed in an isolated aquifer, Giunta, T., Devauchelle, O., Ader, M., Locke, R., Louvat, P., Bonifacie, M., Métivier, F., Agrinier, P. Geochemical Perspectives Letters,None,4,53-58,2017,[pdf]
10A Bayesian analysis of Generalized Pareto Distribution of runoff minima,Youcun Liu, Miaojie Lu, Xueli Huo, Yonghong Hao, Hongkai Gao, Yan Liu, Yonghui Fan, Yuhuan Cui, François Métivier, Hydrological Processes,None,30,424--432,2016,
11Estimating ecosystem metabolism from continuous multi-sensor measurements in the Seine River, Nicolas Escoffier, Nathaniel Bensoussan, Lauriane Vilmin, Nicolas Flipo, Rocher Vincent, A. David, François Métivier, Alexis Groleau, Environmental Science and Pollution Research,None,17 p,2016,
12Denudation intensity and control in the Chinese Tian Shan: new constraints from mass balance on catchment-alluvial fan systems, Laure Guerit, Laurie Barrier, Marc Jolivet, Bihong Fu, François Métivier, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms,None,41,1088-1106,2016,
13Geometry of meandering and braided gravel-bed threads from the Bayanbulak Grassland, Tianshan, P. R. China, François Métivier, Olivier Devauchelle, Hugo Chauvet, Eric Lajeunesse, Patrick Meunier, Peter Ashmore, Koen Blanckaert, Zhi Zhang, Yuting Fan, Youcun Liu, Zhibao Dong, Baisheng Ye, Earth Surface Dynamics,4,273-283,2016,[pdf]
14Morphology of the Kosi megafan channels, K. Gaurav, F. Métivier, O. Devauchelle, R. Sinha, H Chauvet, M. Houssais, H. Bouquerel, Earth Surface Dynamics,None,3,321-331,2015,[pdf]
15Laboratory alluvial fans in one dimension, L. Guerit, F. Métivier, O. Devauchelle, E. Lajeunesse, L. Barrier, Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics,None,90,022203,2014-08,[pdf]
16Experimental investigation on self-channelized erosive gravity currents, P. Weill, E. Lajeunesse, O. Devauchelle, F. Métivier, A. Limare, B. Chauveau, D. Mouazé, Journal of Sedimentary Research,None,84,487-498,2014-06-01,
17Diffusive evolution of experimental braided rivers, M. D. Reitz, D. J. Jerolmack, E. Lajeunesse, O. Devauchelle, F. Métivier, Phys. Rev. E,None,89,052809,2014-05,
18Recirculation cells in a wide channel, Hugo Chauvet, Olivier Devauchelle, François Métivier, Eric Lajeunesse, Angela Limare, Physics of Fluids,None,26,17 p.,2014-01-23,[pdf]
19The Grain-size Patchiness of Braided Gravel-Bed Streams – example of the Urumqi River (northeast Tian Shan, China), L Guerit, L Barrier, C Narteau, F Métivier, Y Liu, E Lajeunesse, E Gayer, P Meunier, L Malverti, Baisheng Ye, Advances in Geosciences,None,37,27 - 39,2014,[pdf]
20Width of laminar laboratory rivers, G. Seizilles, O. Devauchelle, E. Lajeunesse, F. Métivier, Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics,None,87,2013,[pdf]
21A Rouse-based method to integrate the chemical composition of river sediments: Application to the Ganga basin, Maarten Lupker, Christian France-Lanord, Jérôme Lavé, Julien Bouchez, Valier Galy, François Métivier, Jérôme Gaillardet, Bruno Lartiges, Jean-Louis Mugnier, Journal of Geophysical Research : Earth Surface,None,116,F04012,2011-11-01,
22Erosion rates deduced from seasonal mass balance along the upper Urumqi River in Tianshan, Youcun Liu, F Métivier, J Gaillardet, Baisheng Ye, P Meunier, C Narteau, E Lajeunesse, Tianding Han, L Malverti, Solid Earth,None,2,283 - 301,2011,[pdf]
23Optical method for measuring bed topography and flow depth in an experimental flume, A Limare, M Tal, M Reitz, E Lajeunesse, F Métivier, Solid Earth,None,2,143 - 154,2011,[pdf]
24A Rouse-based method to integrate the chemical composition of river sediments: Application to the Ganga basin, Maarten Lupker, Christian France?lanord, Jérôme Lavé, Julien Bouchez, Valier Galy, François Métivier, Jérôme Gaillardet, Bruno Lartiges, Jean?louis Mugnier, Journal of Geophysical Research,None,132,1159 - 1159,2011,[pdf]
25Image processing for the study of bedload transport of two-size spherical particles in a supercritical flow, Virginie Hergault, Philippe Frey, François Métivier, Cécile Barat, Christophe Ducottet, Tobias Bohm, Christophe Ancey, Experiments in Fluids,None,DOI 10.1007/s00348-0,2010-03-20,
26Fluvial and submarine morphodynamics of laminar and near-laminar flows: a synthesis,Eric Lajeunesse, Luce Malverti, Pierre Lancien, Lawrence Armstrong, Francois Metivier, Stephen Coleman, Charles E Smith, Timothy Davies, Alessandro Cantelli, Gary Parker, Sedimentology,None,57,1-26,2010,
27Prediction of depth-integrated fluxes of suspended sediment in the Amazon River: particle aggregation as a complicating factor, J Bouchez, F Métivier, M Lupker, L Maurice, Jérôme Perez, J Gaillardet, C France-Lanord, Hydrological Processes,None,288,8 - 794,2010,
28Small is beautiful: Upscaling from microscale laminar to natural turbulent rivers, L Malverti, E Lajeunesse, F Métivier, Journal of Geophysical Research,None,331,105 - 105,2008,[pdf]
29Measuring bedload in gravel-bed mountain rivers: averaging methods and sampling strategies Measuring bedload in gravel-bed mountain rivers: averaging methods and sampling strategies, Youcun Liu, François Métivier, Éric Lajeunesse, Pierre Lancien, Clément Narteau, Baisheng Ye, Patrick Meunier, Geodinamica Acta,None,21,81-92,2008,
30Near-wall velocity measurements by particle-shadow tracking, Pierre Lancien, Éric Lajeunesse, François Métivier, Experiments in Fluids,None,42,843-846,2007,
31Flow pattern and sediment transport in a braided river: The “torrent de St Pierre” (French Alps), P. Meunier, F. Métivier, E. Lajeunesse, A.S. Mériaux, Joël Faure, Journal of Hydrology,None,330,496-505,2006,
32Simulating submarine channels in flume experiment,P. Lancien, F. Métivier, E. Lajeunesse, Physicalia,None,27,377--384,2005,
33Submarine Canyons in the Bathtub,François Métivier, Eric Lajeunesse, Marie-Christine Cacas, Journal of Sedimentary Research,None,75,6-11,2005,
34Transport de masse et dynamique des rivières alluviales,Patrick Meunier, François Métivier, Lawrence Armstrong, Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Physique,None,12--14,2004,
35Input and output mass flux correlations in an experimental braided stream. Implications on the dynamics of bed load transport,F Métivier, P Meunier, Journal of Hydrology,None,271,22-38,2003,
36On the use of sedimentation rates in deciphering global change,François Métivier, Geophysical Research Letters,None,1751,2002,[pdf]
37Fault propagation and climatic control of sedimentation on the Ghoubbet Rift Floor: insights from the Tadjouraden cruise in the western Gulf of Aden, L Audin, I Manighetti, P Tapponnier, F Métivier, E Jacques, Philippe Huchon, Geophysical Journal International,None,144,391-413,2001,[pdf]
38Permanence des flux de masse d'une rivière en tresses expérimentales, Patrick Meunier, François Métivier, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science,None,331,105 - 110,2000,
39Postglacial left slip rate and past occurrence of M?8 earthquakes on the Western Haiyuan Fault, Gansu, China, C Lasserre, P.-H. Morel, Y Gaudemer, P Tapponnier, F J Ryerson, G C P King, F Métivier, M Kasser, M Kashgarian, Liu Baichi, Lu Taiya, Yuan Daoyang, Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth,None,104,17633-17651,1999,[pdf]
40Diffusivelike buffering and saturation of large rivers,F Métivier, Physical Review E,None,60,5827,1999,
41Stability of output fluxes of large rivers in South and East Asia during the last 2 million years: implications on floodplain processes,François Métivier, Yves Gaudemer, Basin Research,None,11,293-303,1999,
42Mass accumulation rates in Asia during the Cenozoic,François Métivier, Yves Gaudemer, Paul Tapponnier, Michel Klein, Geophysical Journal International,None,137,280-318,1999,[pdf]
43Northeastward growth of the Tibet plateau deduced from balanced reconstruction of two depositional areas- The Qaidam and Hexi Corridor basins, China,Francois Métivier, Yves Gaudemer, Paul Tapponnier, Bertrand Meyer, Tectonics,None,17,823 - 842,1998,[pdf]
44Crustal thickening in Gansu-Qinghai, lithospheric mantle subduction, and oblique, strike-slip controlled growth of the Tibet plateau, B Meyer, P Tapponnier, F Bourjot, F Métivier, G Gaudemer, G Peltzer, Guo Shunmin, Chen Zhitai, Geophysical Journal International,None,135,1 - 47,1998,[pdf]
45Mass transfer between Eastern Tien Shan and adjacent basins (central Asia): constraints on regional tectonics and topography,F Métivier, Y Gaudemer, Geophysical Journal International,None,128,1-17,1997,[pdf]
1Experimental studies and practical challenges in fluvial geomorphology,F. Métivier, C. Paola, J. Kozareck, M. Tal, Tools in fluvial geomorphology,Wiley Online Library,454--475,2016,
2Alluvial Landscape Evolution: What Do We Know About Metamorphosis of Gravel-Bed Meandering and Braided Streams?, F Métivier, L Barrier, Gravel-Bed Rivers: Processes, Tools, Environments,John Wiley & Sons, Ltd,474-501,2012,[pdf]
3The Use of Imagery in Laboratory Experiments, Michal Tal, Philippe Frey, Wonsuck Kim, Eric Lajeunesse, Angela Limare, François Métivier, Fluvial Remote Sensing for Science and Management,John Wiley & Sons, Ltd,299--321,2012,
4Sediment transport in a microscale braided stream: From grain size to reach size,P. Meunier, F. Métivier, Braided River, Process, Deposits, Ecology and Management,Blackwell, Malden, Massachussetts,212--226,2006,
1Quel est le rendement du Crédit d'impôt recherche pour les entreprises,P. Courtioux, E. Deglaire, F. Métivier, A. Rebérioux None,EDHEC Position Paper,2019,[pdf]
2CIR et R&D: efficacité du dispositif depuis la réforme de 2008,F Métivier, P Lemaire, E Riot None,Sciences en Marche,2015,[pdf]
3Inégalités de traitement des étudiants suivant les filières en France,O. Berné and F. Métivier None,Sciences en Marche,2015,[pdf]
4Near-wall velocity measurements by Particle-Shadow-Tracking,Pierre Lancien, Eric Lajeunesse, François Métivier, ,2007-01-10,[pdf]
1Dissolution in a porous rock: effect on the concentration–discharge relationships,O Devauchelle, F Métivier, E Lajeunesse, J Gaillardet, J.F. Didon, Youcun Liu, Baisheng Ye, ,2011,[pdf]
2A new simple integral technique to analyze bedload transport data,F. Métivier, C. Narteau, E. Lajeunesse, O Devauchelle, Y Liu, B. Ye, River Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics (RCEM),IAHR (International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research),378--387,2011,[pdf]
3Reconstruction of the sediment transport conditions in the Urumqi alluvial fan (northeastern Tian Shan, China),Laure Guerit, Laurie Barrier, F Métivier, Youcun Liu, Clement Narteau, Eric Lajeunesse, Eric Gayer, Patrick Meunier, Ye Baisheng, River Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics (RCEM),2011,[pdf]
4Cavitation bubbles: a tracer for turbulent mixing in large rivers,H Chauvet, F Métivier, A Limare, River Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics (RCEM),2011,[pdf]
1Hydrogéologie,F. Métivier Notes de cours, L3 Terre & Environnement,Univ. Paris Diderot,71,2018,[pdf]
2Bases de données et cartographie en Sciences de la terre avec MariaDB (MySQL) et Python,F. Métivier Notes de cours, L3 Terre & Environnement,Univ. Paris Diderot,109,2018,[pdf]